2008. Movement patterns, foraging ecology and digestive physiology of blacktip reef sharks, Carcharhinus melanopterus, at Palmyra Atoll: a predator dominated ecosystem. University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa.
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2008. Patterns of sponge biodiversity and abundance across different biogeographic regions. Marine biology. 155:563-570. doi:10.1007/s00227-008-1036-6.
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. 2008. The recent carbonate sediments of Palmyra Atoll, Northern Line Islands, Central Pacific Ocean. Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand.
. 2008. US coral reefs in the Line and Phoenix Islands, Central Pacific Ocean: history, geology, oceanography, and biology. In: Coral Reefs of the USA. Springer. pp. 595-641.
. 2008. US coral reefs in the Line and Phoenix Islands, Central Pacific Ocean: Status, threats and significance. In: Coral Reefs of the USA. Springer. pp. 643-654.
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2007. A divergent mtDNA lineage among Mesoplodon beaked whales: molecular evidence for a new species in the tropical Pacific?. Marine Mammal Science. 23:954-966. doi:10.1111/j.1748-7692.2007.00143.x.
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2006. Indirect effects of algae on coral: algae‐mediated, microbe‐induced coral mortality. Ecology letters. 9:835-845. doi:10.1111/j.1461-0248.2006.00937.x.
. 2003
2003. Decadal timescale shift in the 14 C record of a central equatorial Pacific coral. Radiocarbon. 45:91-99. doi:10.1017/S0033822200032422.
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